With an extensive background in healthcare recruitment, working with some high profile clients supplying Care Assistants, Nurses and Locums on a national basis and from demand from our clients as well as through the unprecedented times we are all facing with COVID19 and the challenges the Hospitality Industry in particular is facing right now, we would like offer our help and are able to provide work on a temporary, part and full time contract basis for Chefs, Kitchen Assistants and Cooks.

If we can help you and would like to join the acute family then pick up the phone and give our friendly team a call on 0121 249 8699

Take care and remember…

Stay at Home • Protect the NHS • Save Lives


For more information, call our team today on 0121 249 8699, chat to us LIVE on our website (bottom left) or, fill out the contact form below 👇🏻

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